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How To Glue Metal To Glass?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


How To Glue Metal To Glass?

To glue metal to glass, you need an adhesive that can:

  1. Create a strong bond and hold on a smooth surface (glass)
  2. Has some level of shock absorption 
  3. Works on both glass and metal 

This guide will discover the most recommended adhesives for this project. 

Once you have the right glue for glass to metal, the other steps to glue metal to glass are very easy and simple. 

There are three main stages to gluing metal to glass. These are:

  1. Preparation
  2. Application 
  3. Setting/ curing time 

Before you get started, we also recommend keeping safety in mind. Use protective gloves to prevent any glue from directly contacting your skin. 

Also, work in a well-ventilated area. 

So, let’s get down to it. 

The Best Adhesive To Glue Metal To Glass

Not all types of adhesives will glue metal to glass. 

Let’s see which are the best adhesives for this project. 

  • Clear epoxy 
    • Very reliable for gluing metal to glass 
    • Heavy-duty 
    • Requires mixing 
    • 3 days of curing time 
    • Fill voids if the two surfaces don’t sit flat on each other
  • Super glue (cyanoacrylate)
    • Dries fast 
    • It usually becomes brittle after setting 
    • It works best if there are no gaps in the material, as superglue isn’t designed to fill voids. 
    • Super glue gel is a great alternative for small projects
    • Not recommended for large bonding areas 
  • Hybrid silicone polyurethane 
    • Great bonding strength 
  • Structural acrylic 
    • Great impact and shock resistance 
  • Light curable adhesive 
    • The setting is activated by UV light
    • Creates a very strong bond between glass and metal

When choosing an adhesive to glue metal to glass, remember that through the glass, you will be able to see the glue. 

Depending on your project, you may want to choose an adhesive that dries clear. 

Also, be mindful that some types of glue expand as they cure. This will cause the glue to spread and expand beyond the needed surface. Read the glue label to check whether this will be the case. 

The Step-By-Step Guide On How To Glue Metal To Glass

Now that you have decided on the glue, let’s start the process. 

Step One: Prepare Both Surfaces

We have seen many individuals skip this step, assuming it isn’t as important, but then ended up wondering in frustration why the glue, even though they used a strong one, didn’t hold as well or wasn’t as durable as they needed it to be. 

As boring or insignificant as this step may seem, this is the step that will set the right stage for the glue to create a very strong bond and a durable hold. 

Before you glue metal to glass, you have to clean both surfaces. 

Even the slightest trace of dust, debris, grime, grease, or dried glue stain on the surface will cause a weaker bonding between the two surfaces. 

This is how you can clean the glass to get it ready for gluing:

  1. If you are repurposing a glass that has dried glue on it, use a new clean blade to remove it
  2. Use warm soapy water or rubbing alcohol to clean the glass, removing all debris or dust particles
  3. Wipe it clean with a clean cloth 
  4. Let it fully dry before you apply glue to it

This is how you can prepare and clean the metal surface:

  1. Check for rust on the surface
  2. If there is rust, use a wire brush or wire wool to remove all rust 
  3. Use sandpaper to create roughness of the surface – this will give the glue a better grip and, therefore, a stronger and more durable bond. 
  4. Use a clean soapy cloth (or rubbing alcohol) to wipe the surface clean 
  5. Let it fully dry before gluing it 

Step Two: Apply The Glue

If you use epoxy glue, you must mix it beforehand. This won’t take long. Once you mix it well, it is ready for use. 

Only mix it right before you use it. Don’t mix it in advance and let it sit, as it will start to dry. 

ProTip: Before applying the glue to the surface, run a dry test. Ensure both surfaces will fit in well before you glue them together. 

Apply the glue following these steps:

  1. Apply a thick layer of glue evenly (this is usually applied on the metal, but you can also apply it on the glass, depending on your project)
  2. Apply the glue to the center point of your gluing surface – as you press the two surfaces together, the glue will spread out. 
  3. Apply gentle pressure for a few minutes
  4. If you are working on a small project, you may not need to use clamps or tape to keep that pressure going.
  5. If you are working on a bigger-sized project, you may need to use clamps or masking tape to hold everything in a secure place while the glue is set.

Step Three: The Set And Cure Time

Depending on the product, the adhesive’s setting and curing time may differ. 

Some adhesives fully cure after 24 hours, others after 48 hours, but a few require a three-day setting time. 

If you want the glue to have a very strong bond and a durable hold, it is important that you wait for the setting and curing time to be fully done before you start using it.


You can easily glue glass to metal with the right adhesive. 

You need to take into consideration a few things when choosing the adhesive, such as:

  1. Will the glue dry clear?
  2. Does the glue in question perform best on porous or non-porous materials?
  3. Does the glue work just as well with both glass and metal?
  4. How long does it need to cure?

Once you have your glue, prepare both surfaces. Could you make sure they are clean? 

Apply the glue and wait out the recommended curing time. 

And you are done. 

Can I Use JB Weld to glue glass to metal?

Jb Weld is a two-part epoxy glue, best used on non-porous surfaces. 

This adhesive works well with glass and metal, so that you can use it for this project. 

If you are looking for a clear dry, we recommend using JB Clear Weld. 

The curing time generally is 24 hours. 

Can I use E6000 to glue glass to metal?

Yes, this glue does work well with both metal and glass. 

E6000 glue can dry as fast as 10 minutes, but it requires more than 24 hours to cure, sometimes even up to 72 hours. But the wait is worth it.

Can I use Gorilla Glue to glue glass to metal?

Gorilla glue is a fast-drying glue with impressive strength and durability.
Gorilla glue could bond the two surfaces together, but it does perform best with porous materials. 

Glass is a very smooth surface on which gorilla glue may not do such a great job.

But if you love and prefer working with this adhesive, test it and see whether or not it will work for you.

Can I use silicone to glue glass to metal?

Silicone glue is not water-resistant, so if your finished project is in an area with significant moisture, you may want to skip this one. 

If moisture isn’t an issue, then silicone adhesive does work well to glue glass to metal as it has a very good chemical resistance that forms a durable,e strong bond.

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