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How To Attach Plexiglass To Wood Without Screws?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


How To Attach Plexiglass To Wood Without Screws?

You can attach plexiglass to wood without screws with the help of the right glue. 

Plexiglass has a huge advantage: its flexibility. But even so, if you don’t implement the correct techniques, you risk chipping or breaking the plexiglass. 

Plexiglass is a transparent, strong, lightweight plastic with good flexibility and versatility, making it a great alternative to traditional glass for various projects made with wood. 

Keep reading to discover the specific steps in attaching plexiglass to wood without screws. 

What Is Plexiglass?

Plexiglass is:

  • Strong 
  • Lightweight 
  • Clear 

This material is commonly used as an alternative to glass, and with good reason. It is made of a polymethyl methacrylate, which is a thermoplastic material. 

Plexiglass has significant advantages when compared to traditional glass, the bigger ones being: 

  • Plexiglass is heat-resistant, shatter-resistant, and UV-resistant 
  • It is strong, having a high impact strength in comparison to glass 
    • What does this mean? You can shatter glass with lesser force, while you will need significantly more force to shatter plexiglass.
  • It is safe
    • When glass breaks, it shatters into many little pieces that are dangerous as they can cause many cuts (that can range from superficial to deeper) if you are not careful. 
    • Plexiglass, on the other hand, does not shatter into many little sharp pieces. 
  • It reduces reflections and glare. 
    • Plexiglass allows more than 90% of the light to pass through 
  • Flexible and versatile 
    • Great for intricate cutting and shaping 

How To Attach Plexiglass To Wood Without Screws

Plexiglass is stronger than traditional and also much more flexible. It can be easily attached to wood when one knows what adhesive to use and what steps to take. 

Can you use any glue to attach plexiglass to wood without screws? The short answer is not. 

For this project, you will need a specific glue known as methylene chloride

Methylene chloride works as solvent cement. It will cause the plexiglass to melt and form a strong attachment to the wood. 

So let’s get started. 

With these types of projects, you don’t start with gluing. You must take a few steps beforehand to prepare for the gluing stage. 


First, prepare your workspace. 

When gluing plexiglass to wood without screws, have one of the following workspaces, one made either from:

  • Wood 
  • Metal 
  • Concrete 

If necessary, measure and cut the plexiglass. 

If, after cutting, the edges are rough and you wish to smooth them, use sandpaper to smoothen them out. You can start with rougher sandpaper and then switch to fine-grit sandpaper. 

Depending on the project, you could remove the protective surface from the plexiglass but only do so if this won’t cause scratching to the surface. 


We know that cleaning isn’t everyone’s favorite stage, but it is necessary. 

If you don’t clean the plexiglass and the wood, the glue won’t work. 

For the glue to keep the plexiglass attached to the wood, ensure that both the plexiglass and wood are clean and free of dust or debris. 

To properly clean the plexiglass and the wood, you will need:

  • Soft clean cloth 
  • Mildly soapy water 

Dab the clean cloth in the mildly soapy water. Clean the surface of the plexiglass, and make sure the edges get cleaned very well. 

Rinse with clean water, let it air dry, or use a clean cloth to dry the plexiglass. 

Rougher cloths or rags could scratch the surface of the plexiglass, so make sure you use a soft one, such as a microfiber cloth, and don’t be rough with it. Gently dab it onto the surface of the plexiglass. 

You can also replace soapy water with isopropyl alcohol. 

Repeat the same cleaning steps on the wood. 

Apply the glue.

Once the plexiglass is clean and dry, place it on top of the wood, arranging the way you will be gluing it onto it.  

Place them, so they fit very well together where the surfaces will be glued. Secure them in place with the help of masking tape or clamps. 

To apply the glue, you will need a 25-gauge syringe. 

This syringe will help you control the amount of glue added to cause the plexiglass to melt onto the wood. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Before applying the glue, double-check that the pieces are lined the correct way to avoid a weak attachment 
  2. Apply a smaller amount of glue between the two pieces of plexiglass with the help of the syringe 
  3. Don’t apply pressure – this could cause the plexiglass to deform (remember, the glue will cause the plexiglass to melt)
  4. Allow the glue to set and cure for 48 hours 

Waiting for 48 hours will ensure a strong and secure bond. 

After the 48 hours have passed, remove the masking or clamps that you used to secure the plexiglass. 

Smooth the joints. 

Most likely, the joints will be rough around the edges. 

Use sandpaper to smooth the joints or parts with a rough surface. 

When you finish sanding, clean the surface with soapy water or isopropyl alcohol. 

The Best Glue To Attach Plexiglass To Wood Without Screws 

Not just any type of adhesive is recommended to glue plexiglass to wood. 

We will make a short list of the best adhesives for this project. 

When choosing the adhesive to glue plexiglass to wood, you need the consider the following aspects:

  • The type of plexiglass you are working with 
  • The type of wood you will be attaching the plexiglass to 
  • What are the conditions in which the bond of the glue will be exposed to 

The following are the most recommended adhesives to attach plexiglass to wood without screws. 

Epoxy adhesive. 

Epoxy adhesive is: 

  • One of the strongest
  • The most durable adhesive

You can choose from:

  • Two-part epoxy glue
    • This comes in a tube and requires mixing before use
  • One-part epoxy glue
    • It comes in a bottle with a brush 

Both of these epoxy glues are strong. 

The one-part epoxy adhesive is easier to use as it doesn’t require mixing; you can add it directly to your surface. But to attach plexiglass to wood, we recommend the two-part epoxy glue as it is more reliable. 

For best results with epoxy glue, follow these steps:

  1. Use sandpaper to roughen the surfaces of the plexiglass and wood to create a better grip for the adhesive 
  2. Apply the epoxy glue to only one surface – either the plexiglass or the wood 
  3. Press the two surfaces together gently but firmly 
  4. Make sure they are aligned properly
  5. Secure them in place with the help of masking tape or clamps
  6. Let it cure for 24 – 48 hours 

Cyanoacrylate adhesive. 

Cyanoacrylate adhesive is super glue. 

Super glue is not quite as durable as epoxy and is less durable to cold and heat, but it offers a strong bond that usually dries within seconds. 

Follow the same application steps as with the epoxy glue. 

Polyurethane adhesive. 

This type of glue is very strong and very durable. 

The only tricky part with this adhesive is that it usually requires you to apply it simultaneously to both surfaces to give you the best results. 

Follow the same application steps as with the epoxy glue. 

Contact Cement. 

Contact cement creates a strong and durable bond between two surfaces without the help of an activator. 

But, it works the same as the polyurethane adhesive. You need to apply it to both surfaces at the same time. 

After you roughen the plexiglass and wood surfaces using sandpaper, apply a thin layer of adhesive to both surfaces. 

Align the surfaces and gently press them together. 

Let it cure for 24-48 hours. 

Did You Know? The Interesting Uses Of Plexiglass. 

Plexiglass is used in multiple forms and for multiple purposes, as it is shatter-resistant and can withstand pressure and temperature.

Let’s find some of the most common and interesting uses of plexiglass.

  • Common uses:
    • Magnifying glasses 
    • Bus skylights 
    • Aquariums 
    • Shower enclosures 
    • Glazing windows 
  • Airplanes + Submarines:
    • Submarine windows (because it withstands high pressure)
    • Airplane windows (because it is shatter-proof)
    • Protective windows in sports arenas 
  • Greenhouses 
  • Medical uses:
    • Prosthetics 
  • Solar panels 
    • Plexiglass is resistant to harsh weather, including hailstorms 
    • Plexiglass is more resistant to harsh weather than tempered glass


You can easily attach plexiglass to wood without screws using methylene chloride glue. 

Plexiglass is easier to attach to wood than traditional glass for various reasons:

  • It is strong, having a high impact strength in comparison to glass 
  • It is safe
  • It reduces reflections and glare 
  • Flexible and versatile 
  • It is shatter-resistant

You can use more than one type of adhesive to glue plexiglass to wood, such as:

  • Epoxy adhesive
  • Cyanoacrylate adhesive
  • Polyurethane adhesive
  • Contact Cement
  • Silicone adhesives 

Can I use silicone adhesive to glue plexiglass to wood without screws?

Yes. Silicone glue can create a strong and durable bond between plexiglass and wood. 

Before applying the glue, ensure both surfaces are clean and dry. 

Roughen the surfaces using sandpaper, and clean the dust off. Then, apply a thin layer of silicone adhesive to both surfaces.

Align them properly and press them together. 

Let the adhesive cure for 24-48 hours. 

Can I use hot glue to glue plexiglass to wood?

Hot glue will create a bond between plexiglass and wood. 

But, it isn’t on our recommended list because a hot glue gun as it heats and melts the glue sticks, this increased temperature can cause the plexiglass to melt, leaving it in a deformed form. 

Use a low-temperature glue gun if you still want a hot glue gun. 

You can follow the same application steps as described above. 

Don’t glob the glue when you apply it; this will leave you with a messy result as the glue will come through the cracks. Instead, apply the glue in strips.

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