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Can You Glue ABS to PVC?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


Can You Glue ABS to PVC?

Generally, you should only join ABS to PVC with a mechanical coupling system. 

You can only glue ABS to PVC with a solvent cement for non-pressure applications. 

It is rare for anyone to use ABS with PVC. Usually, these plastic materials are only used with their kind: PVC with PVC and ABS with ABS. 

In this case, solvent cement can connect PVC to PVC or ABS to ABS, specifically made for each type. 

So what happens when you need to join ABS to PVC?

Keep reading to find the answer and solution you are looking for. 

Can You Glue ABS To PVC?

The general rule, if you need to connect ABS to PVC pipes, is to use a transition fitting, which has the correct sizing for both pipes. 

Simply gluing ABS to PVC is not recommended. This is because plumbing codes and standards don’t recommend nor allow ABS and PVC pipes to be glued together. For best and lasting results, you need to use a transition coupling. 

Here is the general plumbing code for joining ABS to ABS:

  • You can join ABS to ABS with a solvent cement specifically made for ABS plastic
  • Before you apply the solvent cement, you need to make sure the two surfaces are properly cleaned – free of dirt, oil, debris, moisture, or any other stains 
  • Once fully clean and dry, you can apply the solvent cement to each surface that will be joined together

Here is the general plumbing code for joining PVC to PVC:

  • To glue PVC, you need to first use the correct purple primer on the surfaces that will be joined together
  • Before you can apply the primer, you need to properly clean both surfaces, removing any oil stains, moisture, debris, dirt, or any other stains 
  • Apply the right purple primer (needs to be specific to PVC)
  • Apply solvent cement to all surfaces that will be joined together

Here you learn how to connect ABS to ABS and PVC to PVC. But what about ABS to PVC?

How To Join Or Connect ABS to PVC?

Gluing ABS to PVC is neither recommended nor advised. 

If you need to connect ABS to PVC, you need to use an approved adapter or transition coupling system. 

The type of adapter that is usually recommended and approved for this type of project is the following: a stainless steel band that goes through the middle and provides optimized rigidity. 

A transition coupling has the following parts:

  • A rubber sleeve
    • The neoprene rubber sleeve fits over each pipe 
  • A steel jacket
    • The stainless steel jacket and integral clamps hold the rubber sleeve tight

There will be labels on the coupling so you know which can be fastened to ABS and which to PVC.

So what about ABS to PVC solvent cement?

You can find solvent cement to glue ABS to PVC transition joints, but this is only recommended at non-pressure points.

Follow these steps to connect PVC and ABS pipes:

  1. Slide the metal coupling jackets onto the fixed pipes 
  2. Place one end of the rubber sleeve onto the fixed pipe
  3. Roll back the other end of the rubber sleeve 
  4. Place the new piece of pipe between the two fixed pipe ends
  5. Unroll the rubber sleeves over the ends of the new pipe
  6. Slide the metal jackets over the rubber sleeves 
  7. Tighten the clamps 


As a general rule (and plumbing code), each type of pipe is meant to be joined with its own. 

The exception applies to transitional cement to weld ABS to PVC. But even so, it isn’t generally recommended to only use glue. 

When joining ABS to PVC, the accepted procedure is to use a coupling system for the best results that will hold.

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