Did you get glue on the carpet while working on a project?
Read this guide to find out how to get the glue out of your carpet!
We’ll discuss several methods you can use, including:
- Steam iron
- Vinegar and dish soap
- Ammonia
- Acetone
- Nail polish remover
- Rubbing alcohol
Keep reading to learn more about how to get glue out of the carpet with the solutions above.
Below, you’ll find step-by-step guides on all of these methods!

Steam Iron
This method uses a steaming iron to transfer the glue on the carpet to a piece of fabric.
For this, you’ll need:
- A steaming iron
- A piece of fabric you don’t use anymore
- A knife
Follow the steps below to remove the glue from your carpet:
- Let the glue dry off for several minutes (5-10) before continuing;
- Use the knife to scrape off all the glue you can gently;
- Place the fabric over the glue stain;
- Please turn on the steam iron and press it on the fabric above the glue stain. Don’t move the iron – press it downward;
- Hold it there for 20-30 seconds before lifting the fabric. The glue should transfer from the carpet to the fabric;
- If needed, repeat this process several times until all the glue is transferred to the fabric;
- If possible, wash the carpet in the washing machine and add detergent.
This method should work great for small and large glue stains on your carpet.
It doesn’t matter as long as the glue is transferred to the piece of fabric, though. Be careful that you don’t hold the steaming iron for too long on the fabric, or it may get burnt.
Vinegar and dish soap
Another great solution for removing glue from the carpet is vinegar and dish soap. For this solution, you’ll need:
- White vinegar
- Dish soap
- A clean sponge
- A knife
- A cloth
Follow the steps below to do this:
- Leave the glue to dry for about 5-10 minutes;
- Use the knife to remove as much dry glue as possible. Don’t force it, though;
- Soak the sponge in vinegar and press it on the glue stain on the carpet;
- Start rubbing gently on the glue stain;
- After you saturate the glue stain, wait for 15 minutes for the vinegar to seep in;
- Mix dish soap with warm water and soak the cloth in this mixture;
- Scrub the glue stain with the cloth until you remove the glue, or the cloth is clogged with glue;
- If necessary, take another cloth and continue the process until you remove the glue entirely.
The vinegar will soften and dissolve the glue, so it’s easier to clean. But this process takes time, so you should wait for 15 minutes after applying vinegar.
After the vinegar seeps into the glue stain, the dissolving process will begin.
Soap has anti-grease properties and is very good at cleaning stains of any kind, including glue stains.
Vinegar also works if you want to get super glue out of clothes.
Ammonia is very powerful against stains and dirt. It dissolves glue in a couple of minutes if you let it soak.
This solution is very simple. All you need is:
- Some ammonia
- Water
- A cup
- A cloth
- Gloves
Follow the steps below to get the glue out of your carpet:
- Let the glue dry for 10-15 minutes. During this time, mix a teaspoon of ammonia with water;
- Put on a pair of gloves and soak a clean cloth into the ammonia solution;
- Cover the glue stain with the cloth and wait 3-5 minutes. The glue stain will transfer to the cloth relatively fast;
- Repeat these steps as many times as necessary.
The ammonia acts as a dissolver that disintegrates the bonds between the glue particles. It also makes the adhesive non-sticky and easy to remove.
This solution should work for any glue, including superglue, hair glue, and nail glue.
If you wondered how to get hair glue out of carpet, then ammonia is a good solution!
It’s no surprise that acetone is great at dissolving glue and removing it from any material, carpets included.
For this solution, you’ll need:
- Paper towels
- Acetone
- Cotton swabs
- Dry towel
- Damp cloth
It would help if you had these things at home. Follow the steps below to remove the hair glue from your carpet:
- Gently press paper towels on the glue stain to absorb it; if the glue is wet;
- If the glue is dry, soak a cotton swab in acetone and rub it on the glue stain. Cover the entire glue stain in acetone;
- Keep rubbing the acetone in until the glue starts to dissolve and break apart;
- Pick the glue parts with your fingers or use a knife to scrape them off;
- Once you remove the glue, use a damp cloth to wash out the remaining glue stain;
- When the glue stain is removed, wipe the carpet with a dry towel.
Feel free to repeat these steps to remove the glue stain as often as necessary. Though, one attempt is usually enough for most glue discolorations.
If it doesn’t work, move on to other solutions on this list.
Nail Polish Remover
You can use nail polish remover to get the glue out of the carpet efficiently. Nail polish remover acts as a glue dissolver, just like acetone.
You’ll need:
- A dry cloth
- Nail polish remover
- A brush
- Wet towel
To get the hair glue out of the carpet, follow the steps below:
- Wait for the glue to dry for 10-15 minutes, or use paper towels to remove as much of the wet glue as possible;
- Soak a dry cloth in nail polish remover and rub the glue stain. It would help if you let the glue stain soak in nail polish remover for 3-5 minutes before proceeding;
- Use the brush to scrub the glue away. The glue should be soft now, making it easy to remove;
- Use a wet towel to remove the glue stain left after you remove the solid glue.
With the help of the nail polish remover, you’ll have an easy time cleaning the glue out of the carpet. Once it starts disintegrating, the glue will lose its stickiness.
Rubbing Alcohol
Lastly, rubbing alcohol is your final solution. If nothing else works, alcohol should save your carpet from a permanent glue stain.
However, you’ll need a special type of isopropyl alcohol that is at least 70% concentrated.
If you have that, you’ll only need:
- A cloth
- A brush
- A damp towel
Follow the steps below to do this:
- Let the glue dry until it becomes solid;
- Soak a cloth in rubbing alcohol and slowly go around the glue stain and cover it in alcohol;
- Leave the cloth on the glue stain for 5-10 minutes so the alcohol can seep into the glue;
- Start scrubbing with a brush and try to eliminate the glue from the carpet;
- Use a damp towel to eliminate the glue stain.
That’s all you have to do. Many of these solutions are similar in how you can get the glue out of the carpet.
Only the main ingredients are different. It’s good that there are multiple ways to go about it, though.
No matter what glue gets on your carpet, you can remove it with the right tools and household items.
Let’s summarize the solutions you can use to clean the glue on your carpet:
- Steam iron
- Vinegar and dish soap
- Ammonia
- Acetone
- Nail polish remover
- Rubbing alcohol
You can combine some of these solutions to create a more comprehensive cleaning method. For instance, you can apply vinegar, dish soap, and ammonia to the glue stain and then wait for the solutions to soak in the carpet.
Then, use a brush coated in rubbing alcohol and acetone to scrub the glue out of the carpet.
Finally, use a damp towel to remove the glue stain from the carpet. This solution should eliminate any glue stains from your carpet.
How to avoid getting glue on the carpet?
Something we always recommend is working outside with glue. If you can help it, try not to use glue indoors.
The risk of glue falling on the floor or carpet is too high. But if you can’t help it, at least use a plastic sheet to cover the carpet and other important floor areas.
Place the materials on this plastic sheeting and do your work. Even if glue falls on the floor, it’ll only spot the sheeting, not the carpet.
If you don’t have plastic sheeting, you can put a large towel on the floor or remove the carpet from that portion of the floor.
Anything works, as long as you reduce the chances of getting glue on the carpet.
If you’re working with hair glue, do it in the bathroom, over the sink, or in the tub.
How do I know if acetone will damage my carpet?
Acetone can damage fabric, including carpets. But it’s only damaging for very fragile fabrics.
You can test the effects of acetone on the carpet by dripping a bit of acetone and seeing how it reacts.
If the carpet is discolored, then you might not want to use acetone to remove glue from the carpet.
But if there’s no discoloration, use acetone to get the glue out of your carpet!
To avoid damaging your carpet, look for a piece of fabric similar to your carpet. Use acetone on it and see what effects it has.
In the end, if you’re worried about acetone, don’t use it. There are several other solutions that you can use to get the glue out of the carpet.