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How To Get Super Glue Off Carpet?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


How To Get Super Glue Off Carpet?

Removing super glue from the carpet may not be the easiest. But, with the help of household products, such as acetone, and an at-home mixture made with ammonia and water, it isn’t impossible. 

Super glue dries fast and bonds heavily. It is designed to hold objects together for an extended period and withstand even harsher elements, such as rain, water, humidity, and more.

The bond it creates is lasting and very strong. 

Once the super glue accidentally drops on your carpet, this is the type of bond it will start creating.

So it seems like it would be almost impossible to remove super glue from the carpet without cutting or damaging it. 

Two effective methods can help get super glue off the carpet. These include using:

  • Acetone (or acetone-based nail polish remover)
  • An ammonia and water mixture 

My guide on how to unharden super glue contains additional tips.

What To Do First

Carpets can be different. Before using any product on them, check out their care label if you still have them. Don’t worry if the care labels have been cut off or worn out and are hard to read, don’t worry. 

Another technique allows you to check whether the product you plan on using will have any negative and unwanted effects on the carpet. 

Find a spot on your carpet that is well-hidden or barely noticeable. Dab a cotton disc in acetone and apply it to this hidden spot.

Wait to see whether it is causing any discoloration to the carpet. If not, you have the green light to continue. 

If you notice some discoloration, but it doesn’t bother you, or it isn’t easily noticeable, decide whether you wish to continue using acetone to remove super glue from your carpet. 

Get Super Glue Off From Carpet While Still Wet

If you can, super glue will start to dry within a few seconds as soon as it comes in contact with the carpet.

The bigger the glue spill, the longer it will take to dry (we are still talking seconds, potentially minutes, depending on the quantity). 

The drier the super glue gets, the stronger a bond it creates. The stronger the bond becomes, the harder it will be to remove (and the longer it will take). 

Getting super glue off the carpet while it is still wet can be a big help. To do this, you must notice when the adhesive accidentally spills and act immediately. 

Use a clean paper towel to carefully take off and blot as much of the super glue as you can without spreading it more over your carpet. 

With the stain that remains behind, you use either of the following methods to get super glue off your carpet. 

If you didn’t notice the adhesive accidentally getting on your carpet and it dried, you can still apply the following methods to remove it. It might take longer as you must repeat certain steps multiple times. 

I recommend you take a look at my guide on how to get super glue off car paint for additional tips.

Acetone (Or Acetone-Based Nail Polish Remover)

Acetone or an acetone-based nail polish remover can help you get super glue off your carpet. You will need the following items:

  • Cotton ball (or cotton disc)
  • Cotton swab 
  • Acetone 
  • Soapy warm water
  • Clean cloth 

Follow these steps after you have tested the acetone on a hidden part of your carpet:

  1. Soak a cotton ball in acetone
  2. Place it over the super glue stain, covering it fully 
  3. Let it sit there for a minimum of 10-15 minutes or until the cotton ball is starting to dry
  4. Check to see if the glue stain is softening and loosening
  5. If not, repeat the above step until it does
  6. Once the super glue stain is loosening, dab a cotton swab in acetone 
  7. With a circular motion and gentle pressure, remove the adhesive
  8. Continue until all residue is gone
  9. Dab a clean cloth in warm soapy water and clean the affected surface of the carpet
  10. Use a clean paper towel or dry cloth to remove excess moisture from the carpet 
  11. Let it air dry 

Ammonia And Water Mixture 

If you don’t feel confident using acetone on your carpet, you can try this method to get super glue off the carpet. 

The following are the items you will need:

  • Mixing bowl 
  • 1 tsp ammonia
  • 1 cup of warm water 
  • Cotton swab
  • Clean cloth 
  • Soapy warm water

Follow these steps:

  1. Mix 1 tsp of ammonia in 1 cup of warm water until you get a consistent paste
  2. Use a cotton swab to cover the super glue stain with this paste generously
  3. Let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes
  4. Using a cotton swab (or even a gentle toothbrush), with circular motions, remove the glue stain
  5. Repeat the above steps until all glue residue is removed 
  6. Clean the area with warm soapy water using a clean cloth 
  7. Use a paper towel or a dry cloth to remove excess moisture from the carpet 
  8. Let it air dry 

Once your carpet has fully dried, double-check the area. If you notice residues of ammonia paste on it, grab a clean cloth and use warm water and soap to clean it off well.

If you still notice any residues of super glue on it, repeat one of the above methods. 

Then, with a dry towel, remove excess moisture from the carpet and allow it to air dry. Repeat this process as many times as necessary.

If you need further tips, my guide on how to get super glue off glasses will offer you aid.


You can get super glue off from carpet with one of the following methods:

  • Acetone (or acetone-based nail polish remover)
  • An ammonia and water mixture 

Removing super glue from the carpet may not be impossible, but it can take some time. Your patience may be tested but focus on the fact that the final results will be worth it. 

Use gloves to protect your hands from dryness when using super glue and removal products such as acetone.

If you don’t have gloves, wash your hands with warm water and soap and nurture them with moisturizing hand cream. 

How To Protect Your Carpet From Super Glue Stains?

The safest advice we can give in protecting your carpet from super glue stains is not to do any projects that involve gluing with this adhesive around or close to the carpet.

But we do know that ideal working conditions aren’t always attainable. 

If you cannot take your project into the yard, garage, or another area that doesn’t have a carpet, here are some tips and strategies that can help you protect your carpet so that even if super glue spills, it won’t get on your carpet. 

  • Do the job inside a box.

If the size and type of project allow you to do this, place your items inside a box. Only take the cap off the super glue tube inside the box.

While gluing, even if there are spills, they will end up on the bottom of your box and not on top of your carpet. 

  • Use a protective layer on top of your carpet.

Before gluing anything, use a protective layer to protect your carpet. Find an old rag you don’t need and won’t mind throwing out.

Or, you can also wear newspapers or old clothes that you can cover your carpet with.

Even if super glue spills during your project, in the end, you can toss out your protective layer, and your carpet remains untouched by adhesive stains.

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