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Is Super Glue and Baking Soda Waterproof?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


Is Super Glue and Baking Soda Waterproof?

Super glue and baking soda are waterproof. 

This might be surprising to read, as when we think of baking soda on its own, we know it is a powder form that is anything but waterproof. 

If you mix baking soda with water, you’ll get a paste. 

But when you mix super glue and baking soda, these two have a cool interaction and lead to something great. 

If you have never worked with a baking soda and super glue mixture, you may wonder why anyone would mix these two. It almost doesn’t sound right….but there is a good reason why this works great. 

If you want to learn more about the power of mixing super glue with baking soda and why you should consider doing it, too, keep on reading.

How Strong And Effective Is Super Glue And Baking Soda?

Super Glue is a cyanoacrylate adhesive. It bonds two surfaces almost instantly. 

It has a fast curing speed and delivers a bond with great strength. 

So what happens when you mix super glue and baking soda?

The simplest answer is: everything becomes better. 

Super glue and baking soda are very strong and effective. 

As mentioned above, the curing times will be faster, and the bond will be stronger. 

Super Glue And Baking Soda: The Impressive Benefits

Super glue is a popular adhesive used for many quick fixes. 

It dries very fast, and it bonds strongly. 

In its initial form, this adhesive is soft, either in a liquid or gel form. It comes in a wet formulation. 

After it is applied to the surface, its drying and curing formulation are activated by the moisture and humidity present in the air. 

Once the super glue dries and fully cures, it becomes waterproof. 

The benefits of superglue are well-known. 

But what about the benefits of bringing super glue and baking soda together?

Why would, or more precisely should, anyone consider mixing these two? 

Let’s dive into it. 

Baking soda acts as a catalyst for superglue. 

Here is what this means. 

When you add baking soda to super glue, it will dry and cure faster. 

This is great if you need your gluing project done more quickly. Now you have a way of making that happen. 

But this isn’t the only benefit of mixing baking soda with super glue. Here is another impressive one. 

Adding baking soda to superglue can also create a stronger bond between the two surfaces you want to glue together.

Super glue mixed with baking soda is stronger than super glue on its own, making this mix ideal for quick fixes. 


Yes, super glue and baking soda are waterproof but only after the glue has fully set. 

Adding baking soda to superglue isn’t a bad idea. It helps the glue do even better at what it is already great at – drying and curing faster and forming an even stronger bond.

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