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How To Remove Glue From Stainless Steel?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


How To Remove Glue From Stainless Steel?

You can effectively remove glue from stainless steel by utilizing several items that can already be found in your home, such as:

  1. Rubbing or isopropyl alcohol
  2. Oil 
  3. White vinegar 
  4. Baking soda and oil mix 
  5. Hair dryer
  6. Acetone-based nail polish remover 
  7. Hot water and soap
  8. Clean towels or rags
  9. Cotton balls
  10. Cotton swabs 

If you want to know how to correctly and effectively apply the above items, keep reading. You will discover in detail what steps to take and how to take them.

Plus, you may find our frequently asked questions helpful if you are new to removing glue from stainless steel. 

Check out my guide on the best glues for stainless steel if you would like to learn more about this.

Rubbing Or Isopropyl Alcohol 

Rubbing and isopropyl alcohol can effectively remove glue from stainless steel, so pick the one you already have at home. 

You will need the following items:

  • Rubbing or isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton ball 
  • Cotton swab
  • Clean rag or towel 
  • Hot water
  • Liquid dish soap

Follow these steps:

  1. Pour rubbing or isopropyl alcohol onto a cotton ball 
  2. Place it over the glue 
  3. Let it sit there for about 10-15 minutes (or until the cotton ball is starting to dry out), so the alcohol can soak through the glue and soften it
  4. If the glue is still just as hard, repeat the soaking step until the glue will soften
  5. Dab a cotton swab in alcohol
  6. Place it over the glue
  7. Apply medium pressure to rub off the glue
  8. Repeat this step until all glue residue is removed from the stainless steel.
  9. Dab a clean towel (or rag) in hot or warm soapy water to clean the surface

Both rubbing and isopropyl alcohol can evaporate quickly, so you may need to re-apply it to the glue more frequently and multiple times. 

This method also works with removing super glue from metal.


Applying oil to break down the glue requires simple steps. 

If the stainless steel surface is leveled, in parallel with your floor, you can pour the oil directly onto the glue and let it sit on it for at least one hour, maybe even more, to allow it plenty of time to soften the glue. 

If your surface is vertical, you will need the following items:

  • Cotton ball
  • Cotton swab 
  • Oil 
  • Clean towel or rag
  • Hot water 
  • Liquid dish soap

Do this:

  1. Saturate the cotton ball with oil 
  2. Place it over the glue covering it fully 
  3. Let it sit on the glue for a minimum of 30-60 minutes
  4. Use a cotton swab to rub away the glue 
  5. Repeat the above steps if necessary 
  6. Once all residue has been removed, use a clean rag and warm soapy water to clean the surface. 

White Vinegar

White distilled vinegar is known to be helpful for various cleaning hacks. But, it is also helpful in removing glue and sticker adhesive residue from stainless steel. 

Prepare the following items:

  • Vinegar 
  • Cotton ball 
  • Clean towel 
  • Warm water 
  • Liquid dish soap 

This is what you need to do:

  1. Add vinegar onto the cotton ball (if the glue surface is bigger, use a clean towel or rag and soak it in vinegar)
  2. Cover the glue completely with it 
  3. Let it sit on the glue for about 10-15 minutes, allowing it time to soak through and dissolve the glue. 
  4. Dab a cotton swab or a rag in vinegar 
  5. Apply medium pressure to rub away the glue
  6. Repeat this step until all glue residue is removed 
  7. Clean the surface with warm soapy water (using a clean cloth)

Baking Soda And Oil 

Baking soda in a mixture creates a strong and effective solution to remove glue from stainless steel. 

You will need the following items:

  • Mixing bowl 
  • Baking soda 
  • Oil 
  • Cotton ball 
  • Cotton swan or rag
  • Warm water
  • Liquid dish soap 

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Mix oil and baking soda in a bowl (the specific quantities depend on the amount of glue – add as much oil and baking soda as to create a thicker consistent paste solution)
  2. Use a cotton ball or cotton swab to spread this solution over the glue stain
  3. Allow it to sit on it for a good 30 minutes (potentially more) – until the glue is starting to dissolve and soften
  4. Use a rag to rub the glue away
  5. Repeat the above steps until all glue residue is removed 
  6. Clean the surface with warm soapy water using a clean cloth or towel 

Hair Dryer Method 

This method requires the least amount of items, but it can be just as effective as the others. 

You will need:

  • A hairdryer with a functioning heat setting 
  • Hot water
  • Liquid soap 
  • Clean rags or towels 

Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the hair dryer and set it on the hot setting 
  2. Hold the hair dryer close to the glue stain
  3. Let the hair dryer blow hot air onto the glue for about 10-15 minutes
  4. Dab a clean rag in hot water with liquid dish soap in it
  5. Use this rag to rub the glue until there is no residue left
  6. Use clean soapy water and a clean cloth to clean the surface 

Acetone (Or Acetone-Based Nail Polish Remover)

Acetone is a commonly used product in removing glue from several surfaces. It can be a very effective adhesive removal solution on hardened and dried glue. 

You will need:

  • Acetone (or acetone-based nail polish remover)
  • Cotton ball 
  • A clean rag 
  • Warm water
  • Liquid dish soap 
  • Oil 
  • Soft cloth 

Follow these steps:

  1. Dab a clean rag in acetone
  2. Cover the glue with it applying pressure 
  3. Let it soak for about 10-15 minutes for the glue to soften (you may need to repeat this step a few times)
  4. Moisten a clean rag in acetone and rub the glue away, applying medium pressure 
  5. Use clean, warm water, liquid dish soap, and a clean, soft cloth to clean the surface 
  6. Add a little bit of oil to a clean cloth, paper towel, or cotton ball to polish the steel

When working with acetone, or any other solution, use protective gloves. Acetone and other solutions can cause skin dryness, leading to cracks and other pleasantries. 

If you don’t have gloves at home and decide to still go ahead with this solution, clean your hands with warm water and soap once you are finished removing the glue.

Apply generous amounts of moisturizing lotion multiple times throughout the day and the following few days to keep your hands protected. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you remove sticker glue from stainless steel fridges, sinks, pots, and other appliances?

First, try to peel off as much of the sticker as possible. Even if it tears, find a new corner of it that you can use to peel it. 

For this, we will be using the oil method. If you can, place your stainless steel flat on your workspace (that you should protect and cover in newspapers or old rags) to prevent the oil from dripping. 

You will need the following items:

  • Oil (baby oil, olive oil, or other mineral oil)
  • Soft cloth 
  • Warm to hot water 
  • Liquid dish soap 

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Add oil to the soft cloth (no need to over-soak to prevent excessive oil from dripping)
  2. Apply the oil over the glue residue generously
  3. Let it sit there for about 5 minutes, making sure the whole surface of the adhesive is covered 
  4. Gently rub and wipe the glue away 
  5. Repeat these steps if necessary until all glue residue is gone
  6. Use a clean cloth to clean the surface with warm soapy water
  7. Add a light layer of oil to a clean, soft cloth or paper towel and wipe the surface to give it a glossy and clean finish. 

Is acetone safe to use on stainless steel?

Acetone is safe and effective to use on stainless steel. It is non-corrosive so that it won’t damage it. But, there is one thing to look out for when using acetone on stainless steel.

Acetone or an acetone-based nail polish remover can leave streaks on stainless steel. 

To avoid this, make sure not to over-apply acetone when removing glue from stainless steel. Once you have removed the glue stain, clean the surface with warm water, liquid dish soap, and a clean towel. 

Let it air dry, then use a little oil and a clean, soft cloth (or paper towel) to polish the stainless steel. 

Is rubbing alcohol safe to use on stainless steel?

Alcohol is a product that evaporates quickly. It doesn’t have corrosive effects on stainless steel. 

How To Remove Glue From Stainless Steel With A Commercial Product, such as WD-40?

Whether you want to use a general citrus-based adhesive or WD-40, here is how you should be using a commercial product to remove glue from stainless steel if you can’t find step-by-step instructions on the product.

First of all, you will need more than one microfiber cloth. Changing the cloth will prevent smearing in the process of removing the glue. 

Follow these steps to remove glue from stainless with a commercial product:

  1. Add the product onto the glue stain or adhesive residue 
  2. Use a clean microfiber cloth to rub away the glue gently 
  3. Keep the surface wet with a solution while rubbing it 
  4. You may also apply a metal polish to give it a clean and even finish 

Remember to change your cloth often. Repeat these steps until all residue is removed. 

Can I use Goo Gone to remove glue from stainless steel?

If you prefer working with Goo Gone instead of home solutions to remove glue from stainless steel, you need to practice caution with it.

Goo Gone can potentially cause some damage (discoloration, tarnishing) to stainless steel.

Before you apply this product to get rid of the glue, test it first on a very small, preferably hidden, part of the stainless steel to check if it will cause any unwanted damage. 


When working with glue-removing solutions, besides effectiveness, you should also consider safety measures. 

Some solutions, such as acetone, could cause unwanted effects on your skin, such as dryness. If the dryness is ignored, some more pleasantries could follow, including cracks in the skin. 

So before you start working with any glue-removing solution, use protective gloves. 

Several easy and effective methods and items can help remove glue stains and adhesive residues from stainless steel. These are:

  • Rubbing or isopropyl alcohol
  • Oil 
  • White vinegar 
  • Baking soda and oil mix 
  • Hair dryer
  • Acetone-based nail polish remover 
  • Hot water and soap
  • Clean towels or rags
  • Cotton balls
  • Cotton swabs 
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