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How To Get Super Glue Off Counter?

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Written by: Jeremy Sanchez


How To Get Super Glue Off Counter?

You can use several household items to get super glue off countertops. Some methods may work fast, but they could also damage your countertop.

This guide will show you the best methods to effectively remove super glue from countertops without damaging the surface. 

If you accidentally dropped super glue on your countertop, some gentle and tougher solutions can help you remove this strong adhesive. These include:

  1. Warm water and soap
  2. Scraping 
  3. Acetone
  4. Vinegar 
  5. Oil and baking soda scrub 
  6. The ice method 

The warm water and soap method usually only works if you attend to the super glue before it dries to the countertop. 

Super glue is a fast-acting adhesive that creates a very strong bond. 

As soon as you catch the super glue spilling, soak a sponge or a rag in warm soapy water and wipe it off your countertop. You may need to apply more soap and warm water to remove all the residue from the surface. 

If the super glue is drying up or is fully dried, then keep reading to learn all the methods you can safely experiment with to get super glue off your countertop.

For more specific info, check out my guide on getting super glue off a quartz countertop.

How To Get Super Glue Off Counter?


Scraping is one of the methods that can get the glue off your countertop, but it does require some caution. If you aren’t careful enough, you could be scratching your surface. 

To try this method, you will need:

  1. Warm water and soap
  2. Scraper 
  3. Clean rag (or cotton ball)

Follow these steps to get super glue off your countertop:

  1. Soak a clean rag (or a cotton ball) in warm and soapy water
  2. Place it over the affected area and let it soak through for at least 5 minutes 
  3. Repeat this step until the glue starts to soften
  4. Use a scraper to scrape the glue off the countertop
  5. Look out not to force the scraper into the surface of the countertop
  6. Once the adhesive is removed, use a clean rag – dab it in warm soapy water and clean the surface with it 

Scraping may not be the best idea, depending on your countertop’s material. 

Try scraping off most of the glue without getting in contact with the surface of your countertop, and then use one of the below methods to remove the remaining dried glue from your countertop.

Remember that the scraping method is not recommended to get super glue off car paint, as it can damage your car’s surface.


Acetone (or acetone-based nail polish) is a very effective way to get super glue off countertops as it can dissolve the bond the adhesive creates. 

The items you will need:

  1. Cotton ball
  2. A cotton swab or toothbrush
  3. Soapy warm water 
  4. Clean cloth 

Follow these simple steps to remove super glue from your countertop using acetone:

  1. Soak the cotton ball in acetone
  2. Place it over the super glue, and make sure to cover it fully
  3. Let it soak for a few minutes 
  4. If the glue isn’t softening yet, repeat this step 
  5. Dab a cotton swab or a toothbrush in acetone
  6. Using a circular motion and applying gentle pressure, scrape the glue away
  7. You may need to apply more acetone and repeat the scrubbing with a toothbrush
  8. Once most or all of the super glue has been removed, dab a clean cloth in warm soapy water and clean the surface with it 

Acetone may react when it comes in contact with different countertop materials. 

Before using acetone to remove super glue from your countertop, find a hidden spot that isn’t easily noticeable.

Apply acetone to it and wait to see whether it causes a reaction, such as discoloration. Then, decide whether or not acetone is the best solution for your countertop.


Vinegar is most likely sitting in your pantry. Besides its uses in the kitchen (and even cleaning hacks), vinegar is a valuable household item when removing dried super glue from the countertop. 

Prepare the following items:

  1. Vinegar
  2. Clean rag 
  3. Scraper or toothbrush 
  4. Warm water and soap
  5. Clean cloth

Follow these easy steps to get dried super glue off countertops:

  1. Soak a clean rag in vinegar 
  2. Cover the adhesive with it and let it soak for a few minutes
  3. Repeat this step until the bond starts to loosen up
  4. Use a toothbrush to scrub the glue off the countertop
  5. You can also use a scraper to scrape the adhesive off the surface; be careful not to scratch your countertop
  6. Once you have removed the super glue from your countertop, clean the surface with a clean cloth, warm water, and soap 

Depending on what material your countertop is made of, vinegar may cause some discoloration. 

Before you apply vinegar on the surface where the super glue is dried, apply a small amount in an area that isn’t easily visible.

Wait for a few minutes and check whether or not vinegar has caused any negative reaction. Then decide if vinegar is a safe option for your countertop.

Vinegar also works for removing super glue from hair

Oil And Baking Soda Scrub 

Mixing oil and baking soda will create a consistent paste that is effective in softening hardened super glue. 

You will need the following items:

  1. Mixing bowl 
  2. Oil (vegetable, coconut, sunflower, olive)
  3. Baking soda
  4. Toothbrush 
  5. Clean cloth
  6. Warm water and soap

Follow these steps to create the paste and apply it to the adhesive on your countertop:

  1. Add two parts of baking soda and one part oil into the mixing bowl
  2. Mix it well together until you have a consistent paste
  3. Using a toothbrush, scoop a generous amount of the paste out of the bowl and onto the hardened super glue
  4. With a circular motion, rub the paste into the adhesive
  5. Keep doing this until the super glue is starting to soften or break apart
  6. If necessary, add more paste and keep scrubbing until you have removed all the super glue from your countertop

Once you get the super glue off the countertop, use warm water, soap, and a clean cloth to clean off the surface.

The Ice Method 

The ice method is one of the safest options to get super glue off the countertop as it doesn’t involve using chemicals or tools that could scratch, stain, or discolor the surface of your countertop. 

What you need:

  • A bag of ice 
  • A tool to break the glue

Follow these easy steps to remove super glue from the countertop using a bag of ice:

  1. If you have a Ziploc bag, fill it with ice
  2. Place it over the hardened super glue and let it sit there until the ice starts to melt
  3. Repeat this step until the super glue becomes brittle
  4. Use a tool that will help you break off chunks without damaging your countertop 
  5. If there is some residue left, use any of the above methods to remove it (acetone, vinegar or oil, and baking soda paste)
  6. Once all residue is removed, use a clean cloth and warm soapy water to clean the surface of your counter 


Our guide has shown you some of the most effective and safest methods to get super glue off your countertop with items you can find in your pantry or household. 

  • Warm water and soap
  • Scraping 
  • Acetone
  • Vinegar 
  • Oil and baking soda scrub 
  • The ice method 

Super glue is one of the strongest adhesives. It works fast, can dry as quickly as 3-10 seconds, and can create a strong bond that makes it hard to remove from the places and surfaces you did not intend the adhesive to get on. 

Not all countertops are made of the same material, so some of these methods may be ideal for specific materials and potentially stain or discolor others.

You may need to experiment a little to determine which is ideal and the safest for your countertop. 

Which Countertops Are Acetone-Safe For Removing Super Glue?

Generally, some countertops are safe to use acetone on. But because some are made from materials that are porous, meaning they could stain or discolor more easily, we recommend trying a small area of your countertop to see if it has any reaction to acetone. 

There are specific countertops that are generally acetone-safe. These are the following:

  • Marble 
  • Quartz
  • Granite
  • Laminate 
  • Corian 

With laminate and granite countertops, we don’t recommend leaving the acetone (or any other harsh chemical) on for long. 

If necessary, use acetone to remove the hardened super glue from your countertop but don’t let it sit there for long.

Remove it fast and clean off the surface with clean, warm, and soapy water to ensure no acetone residue is left behind that could still cause some stain or discoloration. 

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